Price & Syllabus
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus.
Appium Course Content Introduction to Mobile Automation Testing
- Various tools for mobile application?
- What is Appium?
- What all can be tested with Appium?
- WebDriver Wire protocol
- Hybrid Apps, Native Apps and WebApps
- Concept of UIAutomator
- When to use Selendroid and when to use Appium
- IOS-driver
- Drawbacks and Limitatiions
- What is seledroid
- Difference between Appium and Selendroid
- How things came into being
- What should I learn?
Java for Appium
- Introducing the JAVA technology:
- Relating Java with other languages
- Showing how to download, install, and configure the Java environment on a Windows system
- Key features of the technology and advantages of using Java
- Java Features
- Write Simple Java Program
- Compile and Run the class files
- Java Programming format
- Java Keywords
- Java Data Types
- Declarations and Access Control
- Operators and Assignments
- Flow Control
- Typecasting
- Arrays
- Packages:
- Introduction to all predefined packages
- User Defined Packages
- Access Specifiers
- Object Oriented Programming Concepts:
- Introduction
- Class
- Object
- Local, Instance and static variables
- Constructors
- This keyword
- Inheritance and Types
- Working with super classes and subclasses
- Using types of polymorphism such as overloading, overriding, and dynamic binding
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Abstract classes
- Interfaces
- String Processing:
- String manipulation with String Builder and String Buffer
- Essential String Methods
- Exceptions and Assertions:
- Introduction
- Exceptions categories
- Standard Java Exception classes
- Using Try-catch and finally clause
- I/O Streams:
- I/O using Java
- Files (Create/Read/Write operations on files)
- Wrapper Classes:
- Introduction
- Byte, Short, Integer, Long
- Float, Double
- Character
- Boolean classes
- Collections:
- Introduction to Collections framework
- util Package
- List, Set and Map
- Difference of All Collections Interfaces and classes
- Reading data from Property files using java program
- Reading and Writing data from/to Excel files using Apache POI API and JXL API
- Download and Configure Appium/Maven Dependency
- Configuring appium on real device
- Why work on real device?
- Download and Configure Android on local machine
- Understanding difference between Api level and Android version
- API levels and Android versions supported by Appium supported by android
- Getting correct API level for Android
- Getting correct Android version in Phone – Provider dependant
- Enabling developer mode
- Debug level settings in Phone
- Connecting phone and making sure its being detected in DDMS(Pdanet software)
- Install Node JS
- Install Microsoft Dot Net framework
- Download Apium
- Configuring Various versioning/API level requirements for Appium
- Starting Appium Server from Console
- Starting Appium Server from command prompt
- Various command line arguments for Appium
- Running your first Appium Program
- Configuring appium on Simulator
- Installing Simulator
- Running first Script on Simulator
- Maven dependencies
- Various Maven/POM dependencies for Appium
- Downloading/Configuring Appium, Selenium from Maven/POM dependencies
- Launching Hybrid/Native Apps with Appium
- Desired Capabilities for Appium and Android
- Concept of Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage
- How to get Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage for any application
- Is Apk file necessary to test App – Not in all cases
- Javadocs for Appium
- AppiumDriver and RemoteWebDriver classes
- Launching System Hybrid Apps
- Appium reinstalls App
- Preventing Appium from deleting and reinstalling App
- Launching other user installed Hybrid Apps
- Checking wheter App is installed on Phone
- Launching native Apps like calculator, Contacts, Settings
- Always quit appium – Mandatory
- Identifying Elements-1
- Concept of UI Automator
- Understanding Android Layouts
- Tagname not supported
- android.widgit.* – everything starts from here
- FindElement and FindElementByAndroidUIAutomator
- Using UISelector Class in UIAutomator API
- Finding by Classname
- Detecting presence of Elements
- Building Xpaths
- Challenges faced in finding Elements and Workarounds
- Using Android UI Automator’sUISelector() and its functions
- Hiding Keyboard
- Waiting – Implicit and explicit waits
- Using UI Automator in Compressed layout
- Identifying Elements-2
- Finding multiple Elements
- Finding Elements inside Elements
- ComplexFind and MobileElement
- Finding Elements with Multiple criterias using ComplexFind
- Selector Key codes
- Finding elements by text using AndroidUIAutomator commands
- Using Assertions
- Handling Date Elements/Objects
- Selecting element in Spinner
- Finding selected Elements
- Getting Value from TextView
- Finding selected Elements
- Clear value of a TextView
- XML Viewer
- Getting and storing the Android App XML view
- When to use android xml view
- Launching XML View from WebDriver
- Finding Elements in XML view
- Finding Scroll List elements in XML View
- You can do anything with XML View
- Limitations of XML view
- Touch Actions
- Touch Events
- Android key events like home, backspace, delete etc
- Wait Actions
- Dragging and dropping elements
- Multitouch Actions
- Simulating multiple gestures
- Longpress and delete elements
- Handling Toggle buttons
- Pinching,tapping,holding
- Web Application Testing
- Launching browser with appium
- Making sure you have the correct desired capabilities
- When launch fails
- Firing various commands on browser
- Will UIAutomator work here?
- How do I identify objects in mobile browser?
- Will AppiumDriver commands work on browser?
- WFinding and setting useragent
Page Object with – Page factory, Maven, ANT, Grid, JENKINS
Complete end to end project on Page object model
- Sistem dikantor Anda tidak aman dari ancaman Hacker?
- Mau aman tapi engga sanggup bayar ahli Security
- Sebenarnya mau belajar jadi ahli Security tapi merasa engga mampu?
- Mau jadi “hacker” ?
- Pengen buka Startup IT Security tapi engga tahu caranya?
- atau pengen punya portfolio pengalaman jadi IT Security biar bisa di terima kerja ?
Yuk, Jadi IT Security
Bersama AnakRimba Inc
- Engga usah kuatir, AnakRimba Inc menggunakan pendekatan nyata sehingga kita hanya belajar sesuai kebutuhan aja guys.
- Kita langsung praktek nyata bagaimana menjadi ahli IT Security
- Hasil Akhir? Yes ANDA langsung menjadi IT security yang siap menghadapi :
- tantangan keamanan data,
- di ajarkan juga tehnik yang dilakukan para Hacker,
- Tehnik Defensive(menjaga & bertahan dari serangan Hacker),
- monitoring keamanan data
- Sekaligus diajarkan bagaimana membuat : SOC
- Data pribadi/kantor anda tiba-tiba hilang? bingung siapa pelakunya
- Account Social Media anda dicuri Hacker?
- Data kena Encrypt, Malware?
- Mau Reverse Engineering Code/Aplikasi ?
- Mau menelusuri bahkan menangkap penjahat IT yang merusak sistem/data kantor anda?
- Mau menelusuri jejak penjahat IT cuma berbekal bukti suara/gambar/video/files?
- Curiga lihat Tersangka di CCTV tp engga jelas?
- Mau Menelusuri rekam jejak digital tersangka?
- Pengen buka Startup IT Forensic & Investigation tapi engga tahu caranya?
- atau pengen punya portfolio pengalaman jadi IT Forensic & Investigation biar bisa di terima kerja ?
JANGAN Kuatir, Kami Bantu ANDA
- Engga usah kuatir, AnakRimba Inc menggunakan pendekatan nyata sehingga kita hanya belajar sesuai kebutuhan aja guys.
- Kita langsung praktek nyata bagaimana menjadi ahli IT Forensic & Investigation
- Hasil Akhir? Yes ANDA langsung menjadi IT Forensic & Investigation yang siap membantu mengungkap & menemukan kejanggalan Data yang hilang, tersangka yang mencoba melakukan kejahatan digital terhadap anda dan kantor anda.
- Mau Training tapi tetap dirumah?Bisa
- Budget pas-pasan emang bisa? aman bosku
- dapat apa aja kalau ambil eTraining(Training Online) di AnakRimba Training Center?
- Dapat ilmu & pengalaman langsung dari Trainer yang memang praktisi dan berpengalaman.
- Dapat materi, source code
- Dapat eCertificate
Agile Scrum
Intro :
Agile Scrum merupakan metode terbaru dalam bekerja, dimana pendekatannya adalah :
- Team Work,
- Tepat waktu dalam menyelesaikan suatu proyek/pekerjaan,
- eh satu lagi utk para karyawan nih, kamu engga perlu lembur kalau menggunakan metode ini, jadi kamu bisa pulang kerja ontime.
- Anda akan lebih menikmati pekerjaan Anda, dan ketika liburan enak bro sis, kalian engga akan di ganggu perusahaan.
- terus utk para Boss keuntungannya apa? aman bosku :
- kalau para karyawan Bossku udah di training kelebihannya akan hemat cost perusahaan.
- team sudah termanage lebih baik, kompleksitas berkurang
- Bosku lebih tenang karena dengan metode Agile Scrum, sistem yang akan bekerja untuk perusahaan
- Mau Training tapi tetap dirumah?Bisa
- Budget pas-pasan emang bisa? aman bosku
- dapat apa aja kalau ambil eTraining(Training Online) di AnakRimba Training Center?
- Dapat ilmu & pengalaman langsung dari Trainer yang memang praktisi dan berpengalaman.
- Dapat materi, source code
- Dapat eCertificat
Full Stack Developer
Intro :
Jaman sekarang sebagai IT Developer kita di tuntut untuk bisa menjadi Developer yang : Full Stack Developer.
Apaan sih Full Stack Developer? gini loh, kamu tuh sebagai developer bukan hanya harus bisa coding, tapi juga harus bisa membuat aplikasi yang full?
iya full berarti kamu sebagai developer harus bisa membuat aplikasi yang terintegrasi dengan Front-end Web app & Mobile apps(Android) juga dengan backend Restful API(Web Service).
- Front-end: Kamu akan di ajarkan bagaimana membuat aplikasi Web dan Mobile :
- Django : Web framework utk membuat aplikasi berbasis web
- React Js : Web framework untuk mempercantik tampilan, membantu interaksi lebih cepat & aman. Jangan lupa React Js ini akan digabung dengan Django framework.
- React Native : merupakan Mobile framework Hybrid untuk membuat aplikasi berbasis Mobile, sehingga aplikasi kamu bisa berjalan di Smartphone(HP) kamu.
- Backend : untuk menghubungkan Web aplikasi dan Mobile aplikasi serta kemampuan untuk komunikasi antar programming language, kita perlu jembatan penghubung utk komunikasinya, oleh karenanya kamu juga akan di ajarkan membuat Web Service menggunakan teknologi baru : Restful API.
- ada lagi? ada donk, secara tidak langsung kamu jg akan belajar : Python, Java with Android, JSON, Firebase, Heroku, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, NodeJs.
Jenkins Training 5Days
AnakRimba’s Continuous Integration with Jenkins course will introduce the participants to Jenkins OSS. Developers will learn the Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment concepts and processes specific to Jenkins. This course will cover the necessary Components and Plugins used in Jenkins.
Why Learn Jenkins?
DevOps is the new buzz in the IT Industry. Companies that have adopted DevOps are more reliable as their continuous delivery adds value to the business besides cutting down on failure/timely costs. Jenkins is the leading CI solution that is extremely flexible and powerful. As a Continuous Integration/Build solution, Jenkins helps in cutting down costs by enabling teams to automate their build and release processes. As a Jenkins Developer, you will have a head start into getting into the DevOps domain and thus contribute directly to your organization’s bottom line.
What are the objectives of our Training?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
Understand the Continuous Integration/Delivery concepts and Build Pipelines
- Configure and build basic Tools/Plugins
- Use Jenkins to set up Build Pipelines
- Perform Unit and Integration testing with Jenkins
- Administer Jenkins by performing Backups/Restores
- Understand the Master/Slave Topologies
- Build and deploy simple applications to Tomcat 7 containers
What are the pre-requisites for this Course?
The pre-requisites for this course include Intermediate scripting knowledge and of basic testing frameworks like JUnit or TestNG. Knowledge of Maven/Ant is beneficial but not mandatory. Some awareness of Server topologies and Release management is recommended, but not mandatory.
Training Details :
Continuous Integration
Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn about what is Continuous Integration(CI), why CI, Best practices in CI and tools for continuous integration.
- Introduction to continuous integration
- Advantages of Continuous integration
- Implementation of continuous integration
- From Hudson to Jenkins
- Introduction to Jenkins
Getting Started with Jenkins
Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn about Jenkins, setting up Jenkins environment on your local setup, terminologies used in Jenkins and creating Jenkins job.
- Install Jenkins on a local machine
- Starting Up with Jenkins
- Jenkins Architecture and terms of Jenkins
- Overview of Jenkins UI
- Creating a Jenkins Job
- Configuring a Jenkins job
- Installing the Jenkins setup, create a simple Jenkins job, delete, fail, disable the job
Plugins and its uses
Learning Objective: In this module, we will learn about various plugins available in Jenkins and their usage. Then we will learn to configure Jenkins to work with other tools, working with maven builds and polling for source code changes
- Introduction to Plugins
- Adding Plugins to Jenkins
- Commonly used plugins (Git Plugin, Parameter Plugin, HTML Publisher, Copy Artifact and Extended choice parameters)
- Configuring Jenkins to work with java, Git and Maven
- Creating a Jenkins Build and Jenkins workspace
- Configure Jenkins to check for source code changes periodically.
- Working with Maven Build Jobs
- Adding the plugins to the Jenkins job, creating a Jenkins job to check for source code changes, creating maven build jobs
Setting Up Your Build Jobs and Security
Learning Objective: In this module, we will learn to learn to Build Jobs, add the advanced features to Jobs and Security.
- Creating a Freestyle Build Job
- Introduction to Build Triggers and to Build Steps
- Pre-and Post-Build Actions: Adding properties and properties files
- Running Your New Build Job
- Parametrized Builds
- Distributed builds
- Setting Email notification
- Enabling Security in Jenkins
- Different Levels of Authentication
- Types of Access and Administration of the Access
- Creating Freestyle jobs, demo on security and authorization in Jenkins, sending email notifications, running the Jenkins job
Implementing Automated Testing
Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn to setup Jenkins to Implement Automated Testing and publish reports.
- Introduction
- Automating Your Unit and Integration Tests
- Configuring Test Reports in Jenkins
- Displaying Test Results
- Ignoring Tests
- Automated Acceptance Test with JUnit
- Automated Performance Test with JMeter
- Unit and integration testing, ignoring the tests, display test results
Metrics to Improve Quality
Learning Objective: In this module, we shall learn to check for the code coverage and usage of PMD and FindBugs Jenkins plugin and also Jenkins support with other build systems.
- Looking for foul Code through Code Coverage
- Activating and usage of PMD Jenkins plugin
- Activating and usage of Findbugs Jenkins plugin
- Verifying HTML Validity
- Reporting with JavaNCSS
- Jenkins with Gradle script build system
- Jenkins with shell script build system
- Jenkins plugin for analyzing the bugs, reporting using Jenkins, Jenkins with a different build system
Distributed Jenkins Configuration
Learning Objective: In this module, we shall learn to create a distributed Jenkins system to handle concurrent build triggers, we will learn to set up master and slave configuration in Jenkins.
- Introduction to Distributed Jenkins Build
- Configuring Master Jenkins node
- Configuring the Jenkins slave
- Managing nodes and distributing jobs over nodes
- Binding Jobs on the master and slave setup
- Labelling the nodes to run a specific job
- Configuring slave node in your Jenkins, adding labels to nodes, managing the nodes
Maintain and Use Jenkins
Learning Objective: In this module, we shall learn the Best Practices in Jenkins culture. You will also learn the Do’s and Don’ts in Jenkins setup
- How to maintain Jenkins
- Do’s and Don’ts of Jenkins
- Backup of Jenkins and Migrating Jenkins from one server to another.
- Backup of Jenkins
Performing Automated Deployment and Continuous Delivery
Learning Objective: In this module, we shall learn to deploy an application to a web server using Tomcat and understanding pipeline and parallel builds.
- Deployment Overview
- Implementing Automated and Continuous Deployment
- Deploying an application to an application server
- Install and configure tomcat.
- Deployment of Simple Java web application using Tomcat.
- Jenkins Build Pipeline
- Parallel Jenkins build
- Achieve generated Artifacts
- Jenkins integrations (GitHub, slack, Custom API)
- Scaling Jenkins
- Continuous deployment using Jenkins, parallel and pipeline builds, Jenkins integrations
Jenkins Pipeline
Learning Objective: In this module, we shall learn to implement a project’s entire build/test/deploy pipeline in a jenkinsFile and create a fully automated Jenkins pipeline
- Overview of Pipeline as code
- Overview of Pipeline Plugin
- Automated Jenkins Pipeline
- Jenkins pipeline
Selenium Syllabus
Select Selenium Tool/s, Programming Language to write Test Scripts and
TestNG Framework as Test Runner.
Selenium Suite of Tools/Selenium Components
1) Selenium IDE
2) Selenium RC
3) Selenium WebDriver
4) Selenium Grid
Selenium IDE is a Record and Playback tool, no programming support and it
is prototype tool, not suitable for complex Test Design, so eliminate
Selenium IDE, next Selenium RC is out dated, next Selenium Grid,
It is only for Test Execution/Parallel Testing and doesn’t support Test Design,
So now we have only one tool for creating and executing Test cases, that is
Selenium WebDriver.
Selenium WebDriver supports Java, C#.NET, Python, Perl, Ruby and PHP,
nowadays most of Selenium Testers are choosing Java, so select Java for
Testing Framework Selection depends on Programming platform, we select
Java as programming platform and then supported Framework is either JUnit
or TestNG, select TestNG Framework for selenium as Test Runner.
I) Selenium Fundamentals
1) Introduction to Selenium
2) Selenium Test Life Cycle
II) Java for Selenium
Java Standard edition or core Java is enough for Selenium Testing, In Core
Java, learn,
Java Environment Setup
1) Java Data Types
2) Java Modifiers
G C Reddy Technologies (
G C Reddy Technologies (
3) Java Variables
4) Java Operators
5) Java Comments
6) Java Control Flow
i) Java Conditional or Decision Making Statements
ii) Java Loop Statements
iii) Java Branching Statements
7) String Handling in Java
8) Java Array and ArrayList
9) Java IO (includes File Handling)
10) Java Methods
i) Predefined Methods
ii) User defined Methods
11) Java Constructor
12) Exception Handling
13) Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming
i) Inheritance
ii) Polymorphism
iii) Abstraction
iv) Encapsulation
III) Selenium WebDriver
1) Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
2) Selenium WebDriver Environment Setup
3) Web Elements and Operations
4) Web Element Locators
i) Element Locators
ii) Inspecting Elements
G C Reddy Technologies (
G C Reddy Technologies (
5) Selenium WebDriver API Commands
i) Browser Commands
ii) Commands for Web Elements
iii) Verification Commands
6) Writing Basic Selenium Test Cases
7) Enhancing Selenium Test Cases
i) Inserting Verification Points
ii) Creating & Inserting Reusable Components
iii) Create Object Repositories/POM
iv) Parameterization
v) Synchronization
vi) Exception Handling etc…
8) Selenium Data Driven Testing
9) Selenium Cross Browser Testing
10) Selenium Batch Testing
IV) TestNG Testing Framework for Selenium
1) Install TestNG for Selenium
2) TestNG Annotations and Attributes
3) Creating Test Batches
4) Grouping Test Cases
5) Prioritizing Test Cases
6) Executing Test batches and generating Test Reports
7) Data Driven Testing
8) Parallel Testing
G C Reddy Technologies (
G C Reddy Technologies (
V) Automation Framework Design & Implementation
1) Maven Integration and Jenkins Integration
2) Create Folder Structure
3) Create Test Automation Resources (Object Repositories, Customized
Commands, Reusable Functions, Test Data etc,)
4) Create Test Cases using Test Automation Resources
5) Execute Test Batches using Driver Script and generate Test Result
VI) Selenium Project
1) Understanding the AUT
2) Derive Test Scenarios
3) Selenium Test Environment Setup (Using Eclipse IDE, Java,
Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven, Jenkins etc,)
4) Create Selenium Test Cases
5) Execute Test Batches and Analyze Test Results
Note: Jenkins is an open-source Continuous Integration (CI) server, which
automates the build and deploy process of your web applications. By running
your Selenium test suite in Jenkins, you also automate testing as part of the
build process.
Maven is an Open Source build automation tool, It is used to setup Selenium
Environment easily and maintenance of Test environment also easy.
Test Automation Resources: Object Repositories, Customized Commands,
Reusable Functions, Test data etc…
itu berarti ANDA bukan hanya mendapatkan pemahaman konsep namun juga cara mengimplementasikan/menggunakannya di dunia kerja.
Berikut Silabusnya :
- Pengenalan seputar UI/UX dengan Adobe XD
- Seputar penggunaan yang tepat : Font, Type, Colors, Text
- Seputar penggunaan yang tepat : Wireframing
- Seputar penggunaan yang tepat : Prototyping
- Intro Adobe Photoshop
- Intro Adobe Illustrator
- Intro Adobe Dimension
- Colaborasi Photoshop, Illustrator, Dimension dan UI Kit dengan XD
- Intro Project Web dengan Adobe XD
- Simple Project Web dengan Adobe XD
- Project Design Web Colaborasi : Photoshop, Illustrator, Dimension dan UI Kit Web dengan XD
- Intro Project Mobile dengan Adobe XD
- Simple Project Mobile dengan Adobe XD
- Project Design Mobile Colaborasi : Photoshop, Illustrator, Dimension dan UI Kit Mobile dengan XD